It's stupid because I'm not smart enough

I get irked when I see something dismissed as 'stupid' or 'bad' when it's obvious the person dismissing things wasn't able to keep up. I enjoy popcorn films and light reading, however I often like entertainment I can sink my teeth into. I enjoy having my brain fired up with new ideas and interesting concepts. Still, it's obvious that some people out there don't.

I recently joined Facebook, and it kinda sucks, but networking is networking. In a bit of experimentation I joined a group which discusses Batman. It seemed fitting since there's been so much interesting stuff going on there recently. There was quite a bit anti-Morrison sentiment in there. The main gripe was that it's confusing. I'm trying to start a discussion to try to help people with this and offer whatever insights I could, because I managed to follow the story pretty well. So far, no response.

I've spotted something even worse in another form. A guy was complaining that Grant Morrison is a horrible writer. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of what they like and don't like in their entertainment, however it became obvious that the person making that assertion was doing so because he just couldn't follow what was going on.

Welcome to the internet. The problem with internet forums is that you're judged on brain power, so for a lot of people this makes posting things like "that went over my head" completely unacceptable because they're scared to death of being perceived as unintelligent by people they don't know or will never meet. So you see this with challenging work or challenging ideas: tearing it down and saying there's something wrong with it because the people discussing it could not keep up. And it's not because they're stupid. There's plenty of very intelligent people who can't grasp quantum physics, taoism or T.S. Elliot.

Unfortunately, it's the nature of the beast. Always easier to cast fault away than to examine one's self.

1 comment:

Kristiine Havener said...

I would highly suggest you don't waste your time on any facebook group or forum. Mostly people join those so "So and So Joined "I love Batman!" will show up in their friends feeds - so everyone will know how hip they are. I've found that 97% of the people that post there have no idea what they are talking about in relation to the suppose forums topic. D: