Foiled again... again.

I had a cunning plan to post daily on here for a month. It was an effort to force my brain to try to come up with something interesting to say on a daily basis. After which I would go reclaim my drooling moron status and throw April 2009 in the faces of all who would call me a slothful, brain-dead monkey screaming "HA! YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY EVERY DAY FOR A MONTH!"

Well, it didn't happen yesterday. I got caught up reading the Mark Waid interview over at AICN and by the time I was done I needed to get ready to go to work. I thought, well I'll post something when I get home, but that didn't happen because I was drawing something.

27 days seems to be my limit. Bob Fresh managed to do it for six months. I'm not Bobby Fresh, but who among us is? I considered embracing my inner Bobby Fresh, but that would require me to play Dungeons and Dragons, and dice hate me.

Serious. There's a conspiracy among die throughout the world to never come up with the numbers needed to do what I need them to do. So, while I'm fascinated with the game of Craps, I'm also utterly terrified of it.

So April is an abysmal failure. I shall go weep now.

1 comment:

Kristiine Havener said...

Awww! You did really well for a while there, and one day missed isn't horrible - at least you were doing other things, you didn't just stop and stare and go "Nope, not gonna write today." xD