Beware my power, Kltpzyxm's Light!

I've spent a lot of time recently writing about the Flash and my mind temporarily went into Green Lantern mode yesterday. No I'm not going to write a few hundred words about the current Hal Jordan and the Techni-Color Dance Party-a-Go-Go storyline where we get to see Hal Jordan wear lots of different color power rings because even though he boring guy with an interesting job he seems to have the superpower of being super emotional. It's a grade school idea. I say this because I had the same story idea in grade school.

It's just the thought occurred to me yesterday that we learn about three dimensions in school (height, width and depth). The fourth dimension is time. In the DCU the concept of the fourth dimension is a place of pure movement and also the home of the 'Speed Force' from which the Flash draws his power. The Fifth Dimension is Imagination as stated in "Batman R.I.P." and is home to Bat-Mite (Might), Mr. Mxyzptlk and Jakeem Thunder's Thunderbolt.

I then came to the conclusion had the Green Lantern Power Rings draw upon raw Fifth Dimensional energy which once it drawn into the three dimensional universe taps into the ring wearer's imagination to take whatever form necessary. The Rings can only draw so much 5-D energy through. The old rings used to be good for 24 hours and now they run out with use. The different colors come from an emotional filter in the users brain in which their imagination is influenced by what they are feeling. Green is in the center of the color spectrum so I imagine that the wearer is keeping themself centered as they use the ring, because really 'will' is not an emotion.

Those then it occurs to me that the all these different Ring Corps coming out of the woodworks their must be a huge draw on 5-D energy. Not to mention that the new Corps are not centered and very emotional and that could have a feedback effect back in the Fifth Dimension. Would this have an effect on the sentient residents there? Are they upset that their resource is getting pillaged something fierce nowadays?

Quick side note: this same train of though led me to believe that Mr. Mxy is a creation of Superman's Super Imagination. Yes, I was thinking way to hard about this.

But yeah, there's my thoughts. Perhaps I should write it up as a pitch, which wouldn't do me much good because DC doesn't accept unsolicited pitches and submissions, which I don't blame them for. That and my venomous criticism of Dan DiDio would likely come back to bite me in the ass.

Curses, foiled again.


Kristiine Havener said...


That line of thought made perfect sense to me.

Marty Nozz said...

Thank God. I spent half of yesterday wondering if my parents were correct and too many comics finally did destroy my brain.

Kristiine Havener said...

Your parents think comics ruined your brain because they are not looking at your brain from a reading comics brain view.

