Little 411

Its Sunday, June 19, 2011, Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there, and this is The Side. Not a huge post today. Got a lot of stuff going on that hasn't made for the best writing conditions. Going to try to work on that. Here's some quick stuff for you loyal readers to know.


*My work schedule has changed. I'm having to get into work earlier in the morning now. This may have a direct effect on my posting schedule as I usually my time spent working on this is in the mornings before work. I get up every morning at 6 AM and out the door at 7. In that hour I check news and weather, check messages and e-mail, read some webcomics if I'm lucky, and put this together. That's just the computer time and doesn't include getting dressed, brushing teeth, handling the few household chores that need my attention in the morning, etc. So, for right now everything is business as usual on here, but that may change.

*The Side now has a mobile template for easier reading on things like smartphones. Should make for easier loading and the like.

*There's a +1 button at the bottom of the posts. Show that thing some love.

*My cunning plot to increase traffic by means of using images of the cartoon Pocoyo has failed miserably. There was a small bump in numbers, but now its dropped back down to previous levels. Really, the numbers probably have more to do with people moving away from Blogger and onto Tumblr. I've toyed with the notion of moving this over there, but am not very sure about that. Also, Pocoyo may indeed be ebbing in popularity. When I'm getting more links in from a blog that hasn't been updated in two years than Pocoyo pictures that's fairly telling.


I'm the son of a coal miner's daughter, just not this particular one.

Yes, I know this one was another really short one. Sorry, gang. I'm going to see what I can do about restructuring a few things and try to keep everything on track. Thanks fo the continued support and I'll see y'all (hopefully) Wednesday.


Unknown said...

Tumblr is stupid.

Marty Nozz said...

What happened? Did Tumblr come out in favor of the DCU Reboot?

I don't know much about it aside from everybody and their evil twin brother being on it. Blogger seems to be dying off a bit, so I'm weighing my options.