Moore movies

No, not Michael Moore, Alan Moore. For those not familiar with who this is, he's a writer and quite the celebrated one in comic circles. He's had a few movies made from his works, and to my knowledge, isn't very happy with any of them. I bring this up because another of his works is headed for the big screen, WATCHMEN. So here's where we've been:


I enjoyed the movie mush more than the actual comic, and that's extremely rare for me to say. The film featured heroes from 19th Century literature teaming up to save the world. The movie took a much different approach than the book, opting to go with a lot more action. This worked in it's favor. The book itself read a bit slowly and really dove deeply into the characters and their relationships with each other. Much of this was glossed over in the movie, but still turned in a fun flick to munch popcorn to.


Moore's telling of the story of Jack the Ripper. It's a very thick book, but I managed my way through. The movie, starring Johnny Depp, was also a great departure from the book. Much of the sexuality in the book was toned down or removed. There was also heavy departures in the interpretations of many of the characters. There's actually very little resemblance between the tow other than the title.


A very in depth look of a futre fascist society that got absolutely butchered on screen. I did not trust the Wachowski brothers to handle it appropiately and I was right. They ended up paying tribute to Bush Derangement Syndrome and tried to make an action film out of a drama piece. The book looks at England after a World War in which the the country became a fascist society denying many of it's people basic education and any art. It was done because the world was in a shambles and the Government did what it did in an attempt to restore order. It of course went too far and denied people their freedom. The movie infers that this is the direction that the country will take due to the war against world terror. More pablum from those in the Hollywood hivemind who have completely bought into the mainstream madia's agenda against President Bush. Yet again, major departures in the characters, unto the point that Moore didn't want his name attached to the work.

Which brings us back to WATCHMEN which is the gutting of the idea of superheroes. This pulls apart superheroes as a concept and picks the bones using adaptations of the old Charlton Comics heores. I get the feeling that either people are going to go into it expecting a big superhero movie and being disappointed or they're going to get what they want and another of Moore's works will be butchered.

I think Hoolywood needs to look more at his ABC work. TOM STRONG or TOP 10 would be a couple of things I'd love to see on the big screen.

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