How much is too much?

After an outstanding workout at the beach on Saturday, a bunch of us karate guys got ourselves loaded up on Chinese food and then someone raised the geek flag. The topic of superheroes bounced about nad briefly landed on Superman.

"I don't like Superman. He's too... super.", One of the guy's remarked. This got a look of confusion from his sensei who replied.

"That's like saying you don't like Marty because he's too Marty."

Which makes one wonder: how much Marty is too much Marty?

Is different amounts of Marty appropriate for different situations?

How can we measure the proper amount of Marty accurately so that one doesn't go overboard?

Does Marty factor into the Anti-Life Equation? It would be much more pleasant if Marty factored into Johnny Quick's Speed Formula.

Are there adverse affects to prolonged exposure to Marty?

These are all important questions. If anyone has a way to get some proper answers, I'd appreciate it.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

I think this is the weirdest thing i've ever read.