I've been punished

I have not been diligent in my worship of television. And now due to my lapse TV has sent Wendy Williams to punish me. TV has warned of this for weeks. It kept showing her in obnoxiously bad promo spots and telling me she was coming. It's all my fault. I didn't pay attention.

Now the bitch has taken TMZ and Scrubs away from me.

I have not the first clue about anything related to Wendy Williams, aside from she makes really horrible promo spots and has a talk show. Still I wish her show to get the lowest ratings possible and it to be sent to the abyss of cable access never to be seen on my television ever again.

Now I'm stuck watching Everybody Loves Raymond during my dinner hour. I don't love Raymond. Nothing against Raymond, but the show title is false advertising.

I only have a handful of channels. Yes, I'm one of those people who does not have cable nor satellite television and has one of those little converter boxes on top of his TV. Now, it's bad enough I'm stuck with sucky digital television, but we're all in the same boat there. Still I have only a handful of stations. This isn't a problem because there's only a few shows I care about. The times don't really matter except for breakfast and dinner times, because I want something enjoyable on right them. Breakfast time is no problem because I get to watch The Daily Buzz, laugh with Mitch and Andy and drool over Holly. Good times. Unfortunately now with the invasion of Wendy Williams I'm left with absolutely nothing enjoyable on at dinner time.

So I am making a burnt offering to television on a pyre of old VHS tapes of Pokémon. Hopefully television will accept my offering and return TMZ and Scrubs to me, and banish Wendy Williams back to wherever the hell she came from. I could probably Google her and figure out what she's doing on my TV, but that would involve effort and me actually caring about Wendy Williams.

1 comment:

Kristiine Havener said...

I have no idea who this "Wendy Williams" person is.