Falling fast

I find it highly disturbing that I referred to my Google ads as a "tapeworm" and currently there's an ad for a restaurant big as life and full color. Note to self: never ever eat there.

I spent yesterday evening barely coherent. My mind's ability to process information had somehow become compromised. Maybe my brain just needed to cool. The benevolent internet somehow sensed this and repeated crashed Firefox in an effort to shield me from overload and send me to bed.

Or it just didn't want me to know Frank Mir lost last night.

It was a very weird state to be in. I've got enough irons in the fire that I should completely manic at this point. I will be heading for the Chicago Comic-Con in a few weeks and that's pretty huge for me. It was as if all of that was a dream last night. like it was happening to a character I was writing and not me. This would be the point where I write some tripe about we are all the writers of our own story and blah, blah, blah.

All that said and done, it's time to make the final preparations for the Twitter thing. I've also got a tournament to host next week. So it's not a time to be muddle headed.

Also, I'm pissed that the chubby v-blogger who was railing like a nut about Transformers removed the video from Youtube. That stuff was classic! Oh well. maybe he got the hint that what he did really wasn't the way to go, learned his lesson and getting his act together.

Pfft. Yeah right.

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