At the Baltimore Comicon last weekend, Senior Vice President and Executive Editor of DC Comics Dan DiDio announced the the cancellation of LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES. Not the best way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Legion. The plans are to scrap the current run and relaunch later with the Silver Age Legion team recently reintroduce back into continuity by Geoff Johns.

This is another example of DC Comics moving backwards instead of forwards. The current Legion book took a fresh look at the established characters and has sold better than any Legion book in the past 20 years.

I'm supporting a letter writing campaign to try to save the current book, and ask any fans of LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES to join me.

DC Comics
1700 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

Attn: Dan DiDio

Make your letter intelligent and thoughtful please. If I can resist the urge to write "Eat it, Grandpa!" you can too.

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