Knowing when to shut up.

So, the latest page of Mere Mortal is a splash page with no dialogue nor captions. Real easy for a writer, right? Well, not so much. Silence has weight, and must be considered carefully. In comics and some movie of TV scripts fledgling writers can easily fall into the trap of overwriting.

In prose the line is grayer. You have to fill in all the necessary blanks for the audience. It's still possible to overwrite in prose. No one wants to read five pages about someone walking into a room.

The trick for any script is to realize that there will be visuals to help tell the story. Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words. You have to be careful how much you add to that. A moment of silence, properly placed and executed, can have just as much effect was the most profound line you could think of.

Never add dialogue just for it's own sake. I love how sometimes in comic books the characters will be spouting these wild monologues while beating the crap out of each other. I've been in enough fights to know that that's just not going to happen. Sure, throwing out some snappy banter is fun and all, but going overboard is really easy.

So be careful of what you write, and remember, sometimes not writing it can have much more impact.


papercut assassin said...

Kind of funny though, I still had about the same amount of work. Way to celebrate that fact Marty.

Marty Nozz said...

Consider it my way of highlighting your mad artistic skills.