Its talking to me again....

My little ads, which site on the side of the tripe I write here and have done so for months yet not generated one red cent, have just delivered an insidious message to me: "the holidays are coming". They did in quite the subversive manner too. It put an ad for somesuch that a person who knows how to cook would use to bake Christmas cookies. So, as my mouth watered at the notion of nummy cookies the truth was deposited in my subconscious: "holidays, coming".

I find myself not in the holiday mindset. Right now I'm in the "we just had a hell of a storm push through here and there lots of work to do" mindset. But also Halloween barely seemed to have hit on my mental radar this year, which is weird because I had a really nice time. Although I do feel bad about scaring one of the girls with Disney's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow". I have to keep reminding myself that it's November. The Salvation Army bell ringers have been spotted. I must prepare.

Thank you Google ads for bringing this to my attention.

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